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Taskanize Welcome to Taskanize, where Organization is just one click away. View More Features Our Mission Our mission is to deliver a simple and effective organization tool for businesses Brains Behind Taskanize

Simple Management

Taskanize’s unique software enables companies to center their management around our innovative software. By keeping tabs on your workers productivity and minimizing on-the-job miscommunication, companies can spend less time scrambling and more time focusing on
getting the job done

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Effective Error Avoidance

Taskanize reduces on-the-job mistakes through its simple and versatile platform, which enables companies to focus their attention on the task at hand, instead of trying to catch up on missed tasks and errors

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Technology Centralization

In an ever more technologically oriented world, Taskanize enables companies to center their work around our innovative program. Especially in such uncertain times, a tool this versatile is an immeasurably resource

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Some of our Highlights, there are plenty more

Taskanize offers a wide variety of features to help your company with its
organization needs.

Advanced Options

Taskanize offers advanced sorting features to assist managers in any situation. Whether it be at the office, the job site, our even at home, our software enables you to get the job done.

Experienced Creators

Taskanize was devised and developed by General Contractors who faced similar management and day-to-day problems within their construction companies. So, they created a platform to solve these problems simply and effectively.

On the Go

With both a mobile and desktop platform, Taskanize is the perfect tool for in the office or on the go. Our shortcuts and features make on-the-go tasks and communication simple and easy.